WheelWOD of December 21/16

Today’s #WheelWOD is..

“The Chief”

5rds of 3 min amraps 1 min rest between amraps

Seated Rx (Scaled)

3 Cleans from Boxes 95/45 (65/25)

6 push ups

9 Box Dips – Butt suspended (From Chair butt can touch at bottom)


5rds of 3 min amraps 1 min rest between amraps

Standing Rx (Scaled)

3 Power Cleans 115/75 (95/65)

6 push ups (knee push up)

9 Air Squats (Squat to box)


We will be releasing the 12 Days Of WheelWOD workout Friday December 23rd


Enjoy Stouty