WheelWOD Hammer Report November 8/16



Put in your best work before the clock stops

This thought process doesn’t just have apply to a workout, if I have learned anything over the last 6 months of my life it’s that this thought process should be applied to all aspects of a person’s life. I hold our WheelWod Nation in such a high regard because adversity is never deemed as a negative thing. Everyone is going to be faced with some degree of adversity in their life, but what sets many apart from the pack is how we view and deal with the challenges we encounter.


When I first became a coach in 2013 I made one huge mistake. Instead of using my perspective to my advantage I began to try and copy everything any other coach would show me or tell me. Why was this a mistake? Well, quite honestly I wasn’t helping myself. I was so afraid of failure that I ignored that fact that learning from your mistakes is an extremely important aspect of becoming great at anything.


I am extremely proud of where I am today as a coach because I have worked for my success and I have worked hard. Having the ability to take command of a room and get your point across in a concise way is powerful. When you are sitting in front of a class in your chair in the beginning, it’s hard to ignore the voice in the back of your head.  You wonder if people are going to take you seriously or respect you as the coach, but at the end of the day if you let the knowledge and passion you have for what you do take center stage you can’t go wrong. It’s okay to make mistakes, but it’s extremely important to work to correct them. Having your own bag of tricks and tool belt full of resources is how people will find it easier to relate. If every coach in our community had the same perspective our workouts would lack a sense of excitement.


At the turn of 2017 I am going to be heading back on the floor as a coach in full force. As strange as this may sound, being diagnosed with cancer and being forced to take close to 8 months off has made me a better coach. There’s no doubt that I attribute my fitness to helping save my life, but during my time off I learned how important it was to have the same passion that I have inside the gym outside the gym as well. I found a lot of excitement in trying new things, taking a stroll outside and just enjoying the ones I love.


Living with Cerebral palsy gives me the ability to share a different perspective with my athletes, but now I am coming back with an even grander appreciation having survived my battle with cancer. The perspective I am going to bring to  my new athletes is more about life’s bigger picture. I hope my experiences can help others see that being fit is what gives us the ability to enjoy our lives. Regardless of the adversity we encounter if we don’t take advantage of our resources while we can they will just sit in our tool belts rusting; until it’s too late.


You are given one life, make every rep count.


Steph ” The Hammer” Hammerman


#WheelWOD #OneMoreRepForTheHammer
