WHEELWOD OF APRIL 14th #Wheelchairgang

Wheelchair Gang


Hello WheelWodNation

I apologize for the lack of Wod yesterday.

I lost a big part of my life to Cancer yesterday. My 9 year old Golden retriever lost the battle through the night and it was a long day yesterday. she was a warrior and an amazing Dog. I was so lucky to have her in my life and I am thankful my son was able to spend 2 years with her as well.


Thanks to Kevin Ogar for  providing us with programming this week. I am thankful for friends like Kevin who stepped up right a way to help us out. #Wheelchairgang4life!

Be prepared to work hard this week. this guy trains like a monster and this week you get a taste of it!


Buy In:

Row/Erg 1000m

Shoulder mobility



Floor Press 5RM for Day

3xME @ 90% of 5RMFD

Strict Pullups 3xME

Wall Balls x50reps Heavy to 9ft

in As Few Sets As Possible (AFSAP)



4 Rounds

15 C2B Pullups

15 Cleans from Floor 85/65#

Rest as Needed

Cash Out:

15min Muscle Up Progression

Enjoy training like a beast

