Today’s Community wod is to honour not only a revolutionary, but an tribute to all of our Latin American athletes that have been changing the adaptive movement and thought process in their respective countries.
1pm EST Saturday AUG 22
ZOOM ID: 898 5350 1406
Password : wheelwod
“MIRANDA 1750”

For Time
75 Burpees to Target (6 in)
150 Air Squats
225 Double-Unders
1,300 meter Run
*** Wear a Weight Vest (20/14 lb) ****
With a running clock, as fast as possible perform the prescribed work in the order written.
Score is the time on the clock when the 1,300 meter Run is completed.
Background: This tribute workout is dedicated to Francisco de Miranda, born March 28, 1750, who was a Venezuelan revolutionary that helped to pave the way for independence in Latin America. He was one of the most importance Venezuelan founding fathers.
His own plan for the liberation of Spain’s American colonies with the help of the European powers failed, but he remains known as El Precursor—i.e., “the forerunner” of Bolívar and other more effective revolutionaries. He died on July 14, 1816, in Cádiz, Spain.
The workout was designed by CEO Claudio Moreau @clmoreau26 of Los FitGames @fitgamesorg.
The total number of reps is 1750 which signifies Francisco’s birth year.
NOTE: The 1300m Run should be about 7-8 Minutes or close to your mile time. )
Standing Upper Impairment
For Time
75 Burpees to Target (6 in)
150 Air Squats
225 Double-Unders
1,300 meter Run
Wear a Weight Vest (20/14 lb)
Standing Lower Impairment
For Time
75 Burpees to Target (6 in)
150 Air Squats (to box)
225 Single-Unders
1,300 meter Row or Run
Wear a Weight Vest (20/14 lb)
For Time
75 Knee Burpees
175 Russian Twists
450 Multi Ropes
1,000 meter Wheel or Ski
Wear a Weight Vest (20/14 lb)
For Time: ( Set for Major Neuro)
50 Burpees or Knee Burpees
100 Air Squats to box
100 Single-Unders
800 meter Run or Row
10 burpees
20 air squats
20 lateral hops
20 forward/back hops
2:00 minutes of movement (run, speedwalk, row, bike, mtn. climbers, jog in place, knee lifts)