WHEELWOD OF May 4th #3YearAnniversary


kev & steph

Today’s Wod is brought to you by a great athlete that is celebrating her 3rd year wodiversary for Crossfit. She’s the BossLady of the Wheelchairgang and a terrific friend who although takes a lot of jokes from her boys… she still our favourite and a kick ass competitor. This one is for the Hammer!


Buy In:

1000m Ski Erg


Focus: This is gonna be an epic 8 weeks

Week 1: Strength Cycle for next 8 weeks is brought to you by the Red Headed Pollock Kevin Ogar.

Day 1: Snatch Complex

­ Snatch Deadlift+Snatch Pull+Hang Snatch 6×1+1+2 HBP

Snatch Grip Press Behind Neck 6×3 HBP

Double KB Front Rack Hold Seated on Floor 5x30sec Hold HBP


WOD: The Hammer – WODiversary

5 rounds

12 KBS – 12/16kg

15 plate hops

12 Hang Cleans 70% of 1RM

Cash Out:

400m Run/Roll


We are stoked You shared this with the WheelWod Steph and cant wait to see what the next year brings.
