Sharing knowledge – WheelWOD

Canada to Cali and Home..


24 hours of travel 24 hours of stay… priceless opportunity.

Well its been a few Hectic Days, Im waiting to jump on a flight to Toronto flying through the night again to get back home.. Left my home in Collingwood Friday at 3am EST to arrive in San Diego 1pm PST and Its now the following Night at 10 PST and Here I am flying back home to arrive at 1pm EST.. I’m spending as much time travelling as I did here in California.

So most ask why? why put so much into 2.5 days? Well the answer is simple.. and without getting to wrapped up in depth of it, the most easiest answer is: Sharing of Knowledge.

Being a coach for Crossroadsaaa ( is a mission I feel i need to help lead and its one I’m honoured to be a part of. This Past Saturday Max Conserva ( and myself got the chance to work with a few adaptive athletes as well as teach what we have learned to some coaches who want to help spread the message of what we are all so passionate about. That message is a big one but it really breaks down to… Anyone can be part of this and we are more than happy to have you. The adaptive movement and the crossroads seminar work hand in hand in my mind. Educating coaches, gym owners and athletes on what it means to bring adaptive athletes into your gym as well as how inclusion in a CrossFit program can change an adaptive athletes life, is a message that needs to be taught and told.

I have spent along time with trial and error learning about adapting movements, workouts and as well spreading a message of you can be a part of this, for almost 6 years now. But if I decided i was just going to hold on to this acquired knowledge and not share it.. then why the hell am I doing it? I think we are in the grassroots here of a movement bigger then all of us combined and right now what we need to be doing is having open conversations, supporting each other and promoting ( not abusing or using each other for gain) to grow what we have started. This starts by educating the coaches and the athletes that they both have a responsibility to be true, dedicated and safe with our workouts. We need to speak up when we need support and we need to speak out when we see wrong. We have to be willing to show failure to make the newer athletes understand we aren’t magic, this didn’t happen over night and we have just as many struggles as they are having. We need to reach out to those in need and we need to offer assistance with out question when a coach or adaptive athlete come looking. In Short we need to be a nation of adaptive athletes moving forward as one.

So yes it was a long couple days.. was it worth it? fuck yeah it was. I got to teach, learn, share and grow. As a coach and an athlete.. I cant ask for more. So get out there and wave that adaptive flag, pick up your brothers and sisters.. And lets grow together.


#Bemorehuman #beabettercoach #wheelwodnation