Hammer Report December 13/16


Lately, I have been thinking about the phrase “wheelchair bound”. Why is it that this term is used when describing a wheelchair user? The answer to that question: dramatic effect. The media loves to paint people who use chairs as poor souls, but I hate to break it to people. It is possible to live a full life outside of a chair.

I have recently moved to North Carolina and over the last few weeks began to make 12th State CrossFit my new home away from home. I feel extremely fortunate that since joining this box I have been able to put my coaching skills to use. Not only am I given the opportunity to get back to coaching non- adaptive athletes; I also get to use the knowledge and skills that I have gained while immersed in the adaptive community.

At the moment 12th State has two active members who happen to be adaptive athletes and I am proud to say we have accomplished a lot in almost three weeks together. I love that as a WheeWOD coach I am able to help these athletes and my fellow coaches see that there is such a wide range of potential when it comes to what an adaptive athlete can achieve.

Functional fitness is going to look different for every athlete, but at the end of the day everyone has the same goals; to get as fit and become as independent as possible. When you believe in yourself and want something bad enough you are going to find a way to make it work. It’s true that society needs to start recognizing that there is life beyond our chairs, but remember we can’t expect people to recognize something they can’t see. Be the example, and set the tone because you never know who may be looking up to you.
