WZA 4 & 5
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WOD 4 & 5
“Two for One Special” WOD 4- a 20min clock, for time, complete:
2 Rounds for time of:
40 Cal Row
40 Toes to Bar
40 Front Squats
30 Cal Row
30 Wall Balls
30 KB Deadlifts
Immediately into…
WOD 5: WITH REMAINING TIME (or if not completed, at the 18:00) find a 1RM Power Snatch
Workout 4 is scored as the total time it takes to complete the two rounds of the triplet. (18min time-cap)
The tie-breaker:
Scored as the time it takes to complete round one. If an athlete is unable to complete the full two rounds beneath the time-cap, a one rep penalty will be assessed for every missed repetition.
Workout 5 is scored as the heaviest single lift in pounds on the 1RM Power Snatch.
Adaptive Standing Rx
40 Cal Row
40 T2B
40 Front Squat 115, 75lbs (Lower Box squats)
1 RM Power Snatch (SAA 1.25 multiplier)
Adaptive Standing Scaled
30 Cal Row
30 Burpees
30 Kb goblet squats 53, 35lbs (Lower box squats)
1 RM Power Snatch (SAA 1.25 multiplier)
Adaptive Seated Rx
30 Cal Row
30 Wall balls 14/10 @ 9/7ft
30 Kb Deadlift 53, 35lb
Adaptive Seated Scaled
20 Cal Row
30 Wall Balls 14/10 @ 7/6 ft
30 Kb Deadlift 35, 26lb
WOD 5 ( Rx & Scaled)
1 RM Snatch of boxes
Bar can not sit more than 3 inches higher than lap.
Standing Movement Standards & Description:
Athletes may begin strapped into the rower, with a reset device displaying zero calories. At the start of the clock, the athlete will proceed to row until they hit the required number of calories. Once the monitor registers the required number, they may exit the rower and they’ll then head to the pull-up bar.
Next, the athlete will begin performing the required rounds and reps of toes to bar. Each rep must begin with the athlete hanging from the pull-up bar at full shoulder and arm extension. ( single arm athletes may use and strap or device to replace a limb) To commence each rep, the athlete’s feet/ foot/ limb must break behind the perpendicular plane set by the pull-up rig and the floor. At the conclusion, the athlete must have both toes touch the pull-up bar simultaneously between the athlete’s hands. ( lower athletes with 1 limb are clear to just touch one. If the athlete is planning on performing consecutive repetitions, their feet must break the perpendicular plane of the rig and the floor, with arms extended, at the start of each repetition. If the athlete does not break the perpendicular plane or does not touch their toes to the bar at the same time, that will not be counted. If the athlete is prescribed burpees, A rep begins with the athlete going from standing, to putting their chest and thighs to the floor, then stand-up and clap 2 hands together above the head, ( single arm athletes will extend 1 arm above head in sub for clap. Once the athlete completes their final rep of toe-to-bar or burpee, they will advance to the Front squat.
At the start, the athlete will bring the pre-loaded barbell to front rack position, with elbows in front of the bar and barbell at collar bone height. Once in position, and bar over the athlete’s center of mass, they will proceed to squat below parallel, with the athlete’s hip crease below the top of their knee, and then stand to full extension of the hips and knees, with the barbell once again directly over the athlete’s center of mass in front rack position. While performing a squat, the athlete may not allow the barbell to make contact with the athlete’s lower body or floor over the course of the repetition. An athlete may squat clean their first repetition of each set from the floor, and that shall count as a repetition. Lower athletes AK or BK may choose to do box squats. This will allow the athlete to sit to a box at the bottom of the squat. ( box must be low enough that the athlete breaks parallel) Athlete will then stand up from the box with no other assistance and finish the squat fully extended hips, knees ankles and shoulders above the hips. Scaled athletes will perform Goblet squats with a Kb. The same standards above apply for the squat but the hold at the top will remain with the kettlebell in a goblet hold ( either both hands on the bottom of the kettlebell or both hands on the handle holding at chest height. Straps for grip or limb replacement are all acceptable. Lower athletes may use the box squat as described above.
At the conclusion of the last squat in round one, the athlete will proceed back to the rower, and reset the monitor to display zero calories, and proceed through the triplet for their second and final round.
Once the athlete finishes two rounds or hits the 18 minute time-cap, whichever comes first, the athlete will begin workout 5. Workout 5 begins with the balance of the 20 minute running clock. Using the preloaded barbell from workout 4, the athlete will proceed to attempt to find their 1RM power-snatch. The barbell must first be lifted off the ground in one swift motion must bring the barbell from the floor to overhead, using a muscle or power snatch. Squat or split snatch will not be accepted. The repetition is counted when the athlete stands with hips, knees, and arms extended, weight overhead and directly over the athlete’s center of mass, with feet under the athlete’s hips. Upper athletes may lift with 1 arm or 2. If they choose to lift with 2 using a strapping system the following score system does not apply. Single arm athletes lifting with only 1 arm and only using that same arm the entire time during the 1 rep attempts may use a dumbbell, kettlebell or barbell and will use a multiplier of 1.25 on their final lift . when finalizing the score they must always round down to the lower pound. ( example a successful 1 arm lift of 100lb would be scored as 100 x 1.25 = 125lb.
All athletes may make as many attempts as possible over the balance of the 20 minute running clock used for workout 4 & 5. The heaviest single lift performed will be the only lift to count towards the athlete’s score for WOD 5.
Seated Movement Standards & Description:
Athletes may begin in front of the rower, but during the row may not strap feet in or sit on the rower arm. They may row from box or chair but not from floor. All rowing is an Arms only Row. They will start with a reset device displaying zero calories. At the start of the clock, the athlete will proceed to row until they hit the required number of calories. Once the monitor registers the required number, they may exit the rower and they’ll then head to the med ball.
Next, the athlete will begin performing the required rounds and reps of Wall ball. Each rep must begin with the athlete in front of the wall or target and must start each rep with wall ball in hand. Athlete may sit in box or chair but may not sit on a box any higher than 24 inches. Athlete must throw the ball above the designated height marker with the full med ball clearing the line or fully touching the identified target. Failure for the full ball to clear the identified height or if it clears but does not touch the target or wall it will result in a no rep. Each rep will start with the med ball in the athlete’s hands and end once full ball is clear above the line. Once the athlete completes their final rep of wall balls, they will advance to the kettlebell deadlift.
At the start, the athlete will reach down and grab the kettlebells with each hand. The athlete will then deadlift the kettlebell with arms extended and shoulders finishing over the hips in an upright seated position. The kettlebells must start on the floor and end in a finish position with arms fully extended and the kbs under the shoulders and clear off the ground fully upright seated position. Each rep will return to the ground and finish off the ground in the finish position. Athlete may not bend or curl arm to raise the kettlebell of the ground at the finish position. Scaled athletes or athletes with requested Range of motion issues may raise the Kb’s a maximum of 3 inches off the ground by lifting from plates or other devices to raise the ground.
At the conclusion of the last Deadlift in round one, the athlete will proceed back to the rower, and reset the monitor to display zero calories, and proceed through the triplet for their second and final round.
Once the athlete finishes two rounds or hits the 18 minute time-cap, whichever comes first, the athlete will begin workout 5. Workout 5 begins with the balance of the 20 minute running clock. Using the preloaded barbell from before the clock starts, the athlete will proceed to attempt to find their 1RM power-snatch. The barbell must first be lifted off boxes that are set at a height when the bar is resting on them the barbell is no more than 3 inches above the lap. Each attempted rep will start from the box. ( If an athlete decides to lift directly from the lap, it is at their own discretion/risk and we strongly suggest you do not when attempting heavy loads.) A successful attempt will start with the bar on the box and in one continuous motion bring the barbell from the box to overhead, using a snatch grip lift. The repetition is counted when the athlete sits with hips, under shoulders, and arms fully extended, weight overhead and directly over the athlete’s center of mass. If an athlete fails mid attempt they must first allow the barbell to settle on the box before attempting the next lift. Bouncing or pre bouncing the barbell on a lift will result in a no rep. Resting or stopping the bar on the chest or body mid lift to advance the bar to overhead is also considered a no rep. Seated athletes may have help loading and unloading the weights on the bar. All athletes may make as many attempts as possible over the balance of the 20 minute running clock used for workout 4 & 5. The heaviest single lift performed will be the only lift to count towards the athlete’s score for WOD 5.
Wall Ball Height Markers
Prior to starting, the athlete will need to establish the designated height line ( measured in feet) on the wall and show measurement on video. For the foot line, the athlete will use a marker that can be viewed on video. We suggest a permanent marker or a piece of tape or something similar. Judges may restore the marker between rounds as needed.
Standing Video Submission:
At the conclusion of the Challenge, Team WZA has the right to request ask for any and all video proof of workout completion. It is recommended that athletes record all workouts.
For workout 4 & 5, prior to the start the athlete must announce their name, the rower started at zero Calories and show the weight of any dumbbell, kettlebell, barbell and plates they may be intending to use. Announcing the weight before each attempt in WOD 5 is suggested. Film the final successful lift made and show the plates and bar used at conclusion of the workout to verify the weight. It is recommended, that you film yourself performing the workout from an angle that captures full depth and extension on all movements. Please also show the running clock through the entirety of the workout.
Seated Video Submission:
At the conclusion of the Challenge, Team WZA has the right to request ask for any and all video proof of workout completion. It is recommended that athletes record all workouts.
For workout 4 & 5, prior to the start the athlete must announce their name, show the height and identified marker for wallball height, show the rower screen started at zero Calories and show the weight of any med ball, kettlebells, barbell and plates that they may be intending to use. Announcing the weight before each attempt in WOD 5 is suggested. Film the final successful lift made and show the plates and bar used at conclusion of WOD 5. It is recommended, that you film yourself performing the workout from an angle that captures full depth and extension on all movements. Please also show the running clock through the entirety of the workout.