WheelWOD 11/12/18

WheelWOD 11/12/18


Complete five rounds for Quality:
On the rings, lower from an inverted hang, slowly, with straight body and arms, 7 reps
15 Ring Push-ups
Move SLOWLY and methodically attempting perfect execution. Ideally this is done with two pairs of rings – one pair hung app. 8′ off the ground and the second 4″ off the ground.

No adaptations needed for lower impaired athletes

Upper Impaired athlete:

Will adapt lowers with 7 reps of 5 second Front leversĀ  adapting for the Ring lowers

and 15 – 1 Arm push ups

We adapted the ring lowers for safety and overloading the arm, the back extension allows us to engage the mid line and take the load off the single shoulder completely as the demand of the 1 arm push up is plenty.

Scaling this workout

Single arm athletes may use a band around the shoulder of the impaired arm to balance the push up and support impaired side. They may also use a yoga block or change the angle of the push up.

Front levers can be scaled can be 10 sec v-sits


Complete five rounds for Quality:
Barbell Roll outs, 7 reps
15 Ring Push-ups
Move SLOWLY and methodically attempting perfect execution.

Scaling this workout:

Athletes can scale the Barbell roll-out with banded 10 sec hollow body holds x 7

we suggest you do your best to keep the push up as much as possible so Scale the ring push ups with dumbbell push ups, or regular push ups.

