Please try to login 10 minutes before if you need help scaling. Also we will be doing a warm up starting at 11:40 AM then straight in to the workout so if you do not have all the equipment needed for the workout no problem we will adjust before hand.
Date: Saturday May 7, 2022
When: 11:30 AM Eastern Standard Time (WINTER daylight savings)
Zoom ID: 88114729857
Password: wheelwod
20min AMRAP
800m Run
20 GHD Situps
10 Muscle Ups
Upper Impairment
20min AMRAP
800m Run
20 GHD Situps
10 Pistols
Lower Impairment
20min AMRAP
600m Run or 1000m Row
10 Bar Muscle Ups
20min AMRAP
400m Run or 600m Row
20 Ab Mat Situps
7 Pull ups or 10 Jumping C2B
20min AMRAP
400m Wheel
15 Medball Sit ups 10#
5 Ring Muscle Ups or 10 C2B
Short Stature
20min AMRAP
400m Run
10 GHD Situps
5 Bar Muscle Ups or 10 C2B
20min AMRAP
1600m Bike
20 GHD Situps
10 C2B