Oh Friday how we missed you! stoked to see you again and looking forward to the weekend. This Friday is brought you by Gustavo and his #bossLady Miranda Oldroyd. Both are amazing people and have great taste in music. As well they have a bad (or good depending on your insanity level) case of programming killer WOD’s. They are also survivor’s! G and Miranda have like most of us overcome some serious odds and prevailed. Just recently Crossfit posted Miranda’s story and I wanted to share it with you incase you have missed it. She is a huge supporter of the adaptive movement and a genuine down to earth good person.
Check this out, and learn a bit more about this amazing woman.
20 WallBalls
20 PVC pass through
Day 5
Ring Support Hold Accumulate 3mins
KB Deadlift 3×10 HAP
Plank Hold 3xME
Weighted if possible
5Rds of 4min Amraps
6 Pull ups
9 Cals Ski Erg
12 WallBalls @ 20/14 8ft
**rest 2 mins between each Amrap**
(You start the next rd where you left off the last on and count total reps)
If you were G you’d do a 60 min EMOM but we will just do this
10 Min EMOM
30 sec plank hold
Have a great weekend!