These workouts are for everyone but the Rx standard is something athletes moving on to Stage 1 will want to work on. Any of these can be scaled and we would love to see all athletes of any level be here with us. 

Please try to login 10 minutes before if you need help scaling. Also we will be doing a warm up starting at 1:05Pm then straight in to the workout so if you do not have all the equipment needed for the workout no problem we will adjust before hand.

Date: Saturday May 1, 2021
When: 1:00 PM Eastern Standard Time (summer daylight savings)
Zoom ID: 835 1409 4215
Password: wheelwod

The workout will be 18 minutes long

7 rounds for time of:
10 Thrusters 115/75
5 strict burpee pull-ups
200-meter run
Note: During each burpee pull-up perform a strict push-up, jump to a bar that is ideally 12 inches above your max standing reach, and perform a strict pull-up.


Upper Impairment

7 rounds for time of:
10 Thrusters 75/45 or 50/35 db
5 burpee + Pistol/Pistol Combo
200-meter run
Note: between each burpee perform Pistol L&R

Lower Impairment

7 rounds for time of:
10 Thrusters 95/65 – (1 point of contact -AK- 75/50)
5 strict burpee pull-ups
200-meter Row or Run or 400m Bike
Note: During each burpee pull-up perform a strict push-up, jump to a bar that is ideally 12 inches above your max standing reach, and perform a strict pull-up.

Neuromuscular – Major & Minor

7 rounds for time of:
7 Thrusters Minor 65/45 Major 45/35
4 Knee burpee Shoulder tap + Shoulder Tap
100-meter run
Note: During each burpee pull-up perform a strict push-up, jump to a bar that is ideally 12 inches above your max standing reach, and perform a strict pull-up.


7 rounds for time of:
10 Thrusters 115/75
5 strict burpee pull-ups
250-meter Row or 15/10 Cal assault bike
Note: During each burpee pull-up perform a strict push-up, jump to a bar that is ideally 12 inches above your max standing reach, and perform a strict pull-up.

Seated 1&2

7 rounds for time of:
10 Clean & Press (seated 2 85/45) (seated 1 75/35) (multi limb 55/25)
4 Slam Ball U-tun
100-meter Wheel – (multi limb 50m)
Note: During each Slam ball U-turn, athlete picks up the ball raises over head tosses over box does u-turn around box and repeat.

Short Stature

7 rounds for time of:
10 Thrusters 65/45
5 strict burpee pull-ups
100-meter run
Note: During each burpee pull-up perform a strict push-up, jump to a bar that is ideally 4-6 inches above your max standing reach, and perform a strict pull-up.