WheelWOD 06/11/19

6/11: Standing
2000m row
21 cleans
15 thrusters
1000m row
15 cleans
12 thrusters
500m row
9 cleans
9 thrusters
Rx 135/95 SAA-105/75 SLA-125/85


1500m row
21 cleans
15 Sh2OH
750m row
15 cleans
12 Sh2OH
500m row
9 cleans
9 Sh2OH

Rx Weight: 75/45

Travel WoD

For Time
30 burpees/ knee burpees
30 thrusters with object/ sh press with object
20 burpees
20 thrusters with object
10 burpees
10 thrusters with object
200ft walking lunge or Seated 200 alt Db Rows