
Thursday February 5th 2015

Well we had a killer turnout of wheelies jump on board yesterday and Join the #WheelWodNation!

It’s huge and about time we started getting at this the real way, The WheelWod Life is about hustle hard and grind everyday to show what we can really do!

Yesterday we incorporated floor to chair transfers into the Wod and I know some people were like,

well thats not a Crossfit Move… But we say yes it is! Its a functional Movement (Crossfit is based on functional movement) it is the same purpose as a burpee. A burpee mimics the act of falling down and getting back up. So we say if that if you can do floor to chair transfers and do it at periods of time when your arms and shoulders are tapped out then you can know you have the confidence to do it anytime. That way if you are to fall out of your chair in everyday activity, its no sweat just bounce that ass right back up and roll out!

So moving forward,

Todays programming is brought to us from the Ginja Ninja himself. Kevin Ogar is a man not to be taken lightly or to leave food laying around… either way he will eat you or it. I have had the pleasure to be in constant conversation with this nerdy caveman and actually hit about 15 wods with him over a 4 day period. I took it easy on him so don’t worry.

Kev is bringing us a taste of some of what Coach Hinshaw taught us at G’s Box MB Crossfit San Jose and a bit of his own strength programming. If you want to get huge gains in the strength game pay very close attention to this fire breathing bearded ginger. (He cleans from a chair, what you have wet dreams about!) but seriously he knows his shit when you start talking bout strength gains and Crossfit.

So without further ado, Here’s your Thursday Line up.

Buy In:

500m row

2 Rounds

15 PVC Pass Thrus

15 PVC OH Press

15 Sec plack hold x 2

15 sit ups/back extension

15 kb snatch


500m Row


EMOM: 12 mins

3 Snatch (touch & Go)

Strength Work:

Bench Pres Apres

6 reps @ 50% of 3RM

3 Reps @ 75% of 3RM

Max Effort at 100% of 3RM

(Remember these numbers for next Thursday we will be doing bench Apres for 8 weeks and need tracking of your numbers to be successful in Gains)

WOD: Coach Hinshaws lactic threshold training

5min Easy Row

6x60sec Max Distnace Ski Erg -10 Sec rest between efforts

4mins Easy Row

6x45sec Max Distance Ski Erg – 10 Sec rest between efforts

3mins Easy Row

6x30secs Max Distance Ski Erg-10 Sec rest between efforts

2mins Easy Row

6x15secs Max Distance Ski Erg-10 Sec rest between efforts

1min Recovery Row

Rest As Needed

Cash Out:

15mins On the Ground

Work on Crawling/Planks/Situps/Etc.

Keep posting times and adaptations to Wheel Wod FB and Instagram

I’ll leave you with this Picture of G-money! this is what confidence looks like!

#Wheelchairgang – Gustavo Marquez

G money