12 Days of WheelWOD

This is our 3rd annual

12 Days of WheelWOD

Standing Rx (scaled)

***Done like the song***

example: 1, 2-1, 3-2-1, 4-3-2-1… ect

WheelWOD 12 days

1 Rope climb 12 ft (lay to stand x3reps)

2 D Balls G2SH 70/30 (50/20)

3 Burpee Box Jump 24/20 (20/16)

4 Wall Balls 20/14 (14/10)

5 Strict Pull ups (banded pull ups)

6 Kb swings 24/16 (20/12)

7 Goblet Squats 24/16 (20/12)

8 Power Cleans 95/65 (75/55)

9 DB Thrusters 35/20 (25/10)

10 Calories Assault Bike 

11 Hang Snatch 95/65 (75/55)

12 Db Man Makers 35/20 (25/10)


Seated Rx (Scaled)

***Done like the song***

example: 1, 2-1, 3-2-1, 4-3-2-1… ect

WheelWOD 12 days

1 Rope climb 12 ft (lay to stand x3reps)

2 D Balls G2SH 50/30lbs (30/14 med ball)

3 Plyo Push Ups 12/8 inch box (8/4)

4 Wall Balls 14/10lbs @ 9/7ft  (14/10 @ 7/6ft)

5 Chair Pull Ups ( pull ups)

6 Kb swings 16/12kg (12/8)

7 Db rows 7 per arm 35/20 (20/10)

8 Off boxes Cleans 75/35 (55/25)

9 DB Sh. Press 35/20 (20/10)

10 Calories Ski

11 Hang Snatch 75/35 ( 55/35)

12 Adapted Db Man Makers 35/20 (20/10)

Enjoy the Holidays We will post again on the 28th