WHEELWOD OF MAY 18th #VictoriaDay


Here in Canada we take a Day to celebrate the Queens Birthday: Queen Victoria

Victoria Day (in French: Fête de la Reine) is a federal Canadian public holiday celebrated on the last Monday before May 25, in honour ofQueen Victoria‘s birthday. The date is also, simultaneously, that on which the current reigning Canadian sovereign‘s official birthday is recognized. It is sometimes informally considered as marking the beginning of the summer season in Canada.

The holiday has been observed in Canada since at least 1845, originally falling on the sovereign’s actual birthday, and continues to be celebrated in various fashions across the country on the fixed date; the holiday has always been a distinctly Canadian observance.[1][2] It is a federal statutory holiday, as well as being a holiday in six of Canada’s ten provinces and all three of its territories. In Quebec, the same day was unofficially known as Fête de Dollard from the Quiet Revolution until 2003, when provincial legislation officially created National Patriots’ Day on the same date as Victoria Day.


So in Honour of Victoria I thought we would hit a Benchmark WOD today.


Buy In:

1000m Ski Erg/Row

10 pvc pass thru

10 pvc figure 8

10 pvc good mornings



Day 1

Hang Snatch from Blocks 7×2 HAP


Double Barbell Deadlift 6×3 HBP


Double KB Front Rack Hold Seated on Floor

5x30sec Hold HBP


WOD: Victoria

This Wod was created for a brave young teacher Victoria Soto. She gave her life saving school children in the 2012 Connecticut shootings. she was only 27.




10  Sh. Press 65/95 (scale as needed)

14 plate hops (4 inch)

12 KB High Pulls 16/12kg

12 Floor to chair transfers

27 seated KB swings 16/12kg





Enjoy your day off if you are Canadian and crush this wod where ever you are
