WheelWOD of July 11/2017

The Come Down & Rebuild

As always after competition you have the highs to embrace and you learn your weaknesses. Did you try the championship workouts or versions of them? Did you find a weakness in your game? Are you planning on addressing it?


We saw some amazing things and notice some areas athletes can still continue to develop and reach out side their comfort zone. So expect to see more from us in the future.

Our next stop will be at the CrossFit games with ROMWOD, then on to the Working Wounded Games for the ever sought after spartan division and the WWG annual games. We then are filming The Wodapalooza Qualifiers and kicking off The Wodapalooza Competition in January 11-14…

What will you see? Are you training the unknowable or just staying in your comfort zone.. You can bet your sweet ass that we aren’t going to be programming comfort zone WODS.. So get outside, try new shit and get ready for an awesome finish to 2017 and an Epic 2018 competition season.

WheelWODnation get ready!

Now back to our regular daily programming.

( keep an eye on this programming www.wheelwod.com… It tends to set up what you might see in competition!)



Today’s WheelWOD is….

Standing: ( SAA 30/15 and 14/10) ( Lower athletes 1/4 wall balls)

For time:

100 alt Db Snatch 40/25

100 Cal Row

100 Wall balls 20/14



For time:

100 alt Db Snatch 30/15

100 Cal Row/Ski

100 Wall balls 14/10 @ 9ft/7ft



Stouty & Steph