WheelWOD 11/09/18

WheelWOD 11/09/18

Complete as many rounds in 20 minutes as you can of:
5 Pull-ups
10 Push-ups
15 Squats

Standing Lower Impairments:

Be sure to set a Med ball under the athlete in the squat if the athlete needs a contact stimulus to notify they have reached depth or squat to a box for a 3rd point of contact. If athlete is squatting on 1 leg only then reduce the reps to 10 per round and add a 3rd point of contact.

Standing Upper Impairments:

The Push-up can be adapted with a band around the impaired arm and anchored above on a pull up rig, or the athlete can change the angle of the push up by doing them to a box  to reduce the load on one arm.

Pull ups can be done with a band or strap to replace the missing limb.

Scaling these movements:

Can be done with jumping pull ups or ring rows. Doing a banded pull up, chose a band that allows for multiple reps to be done in a row. You can scale the push up with a Db floor press or banded floor press or standing banded bench press.


Complete as many rounds in 20 minutes as you can of:
5 Pull-ups
10 Push-ups
15 Med Ball Sit-ups or sit-ups

When adapting this workout we look at pressing and pulling movements and the first reaction of most trainers is to prescribe a dip for a squat but dips paired with push ups for 20 minutes would be overload on pressing so we look to find another area to move quick like an Air squat but not having to press back to back for 25 reps a round. So we engage the midline and use a sit-ups to keep the heart rate high and the movements all gymnastic.

This workout should be performed from the floor out of chair with a pull up bar lowered or a set of rings lowered so the athlete can reach with 1 arm to pull up to the bar and the butt is off the floor at the bottom. remember to use a mat and at least 1 more layer of padding between you and the floor, we suggest that you have knee sleeves for the push-ups to save skin.

Scaling this workout:

Athletes can scale the pull up by reducing the height of the bar or rings or put a pvc in 2 bands attached the rig and do banded pull downs.

Athletes may need a med ball to help pass through the sit-up range of motion. If unable to do sit up un assisted attach a band to the rack and try using it to assist the athlete throught the movement.

push ups can also be done as on back light dumbbell floor presses if athlete is unable to support in prone position.

Three modalities of CrossFit WOD;

Gymnastics (Cindy), Metabolic conditioning (Crossfit double-unders) and Weightlifting (Power Cleans). The figure shows the working times and [Lactate] and Countermovement Jump measurements in each Crossfit WOD