Saturday June 13/20 “Justice”

Saturday June 13th we will be doing the workout Justice, created by Elijah Muhammad through unorthodox fitness.

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Zoom Meeting ID: 884 2602 5902
Password: wheelwod

We are doing this workout is to raise awareness for Black lives matter and the racial injustice happening in the world. We need now more than ever to come together and spread love, inclusion and Unity. More divide will not be the solution. Demanding change through equal treatment/rights, opportunities, and practicing and learning about what it means to be anti-racism for POC is our focus. We believe coming together to sweat and enjoy each others time and effort, to have a moment where we can clear our minds and be healthy is good for the soul/ mind as much as it is for the heart. Lets make change together – Comm-Unity, WheelWODnation


AMRAP 6:07

Jumping Air Squats 20 reps
Unbroken Double-unders 20 reps
Snatch- Hang 20 reps
Toes to bar 20 reps
Inverted Push-ups 20 reps
Calories 20
Elevated Ring Row 20 Reps


As always with these workouts if you do not have access to gyms or equipment doing it from home then we want to match the stimulus. when you log on to zoom just ask if you need ideas, or message us ahead of time and we will help figure it out.


Jumping Air Squats to a box – 20 reps
Unbroken Single or Double-unders – 20 reps
Snatch- Hang 20 reps (Dumbbell or odd object)
Toes to bar 20 reps (V-Ups)
Inverted Push-ups 20 reps (push ups or pike push ups)
Calories 20 (1 min of burpees)
Elevated Ring Row 20 Reps (dumbbell Bent rows)


Jumping Air Squats – 20 reps
Unbroken Double-unders or lateral Hops – 20 reps
Snatch- Hang 20 reps (Dumbbell or odd object)
Toes to bar 20 reps (V-Ups, Sit ups or knee raises)
Inverted Push-ups/Dumbbell push press 20 reps (push ups or pike push ups)
Calories 20 (1 min of burpees)
Elevated Ring Row 20 Reps (dumbbell Bent rows)


J – Ring or Box dips – 20 reps
Unbroken Multi Ropes – 40 reps (10 U-turns)
Snatch- from the lap 20 reps (Dumbbell or odd object)
Toes to Overhead odd object or PVC – 20 reps
Inverted Push-ups 20 reps (push ups or pike push ups)
Calories 10 (20 Slam balls or 1 min of knee burpees)
Elevated Ring/table Row 20 Reps (dumbbell Bent rows)

Notes – Elevated rows meaning Butox does not touch the ground in the bottom position


Jumping or Air Squats to a box – 15 reps
Unbroken Single or plate hops – 15 reps
Snatch- Hang 15 reps (Dumbbell or odd object)
Toes to bar/knee raise 15 reps (Sit-Ups)
I – Pike Push ups 15 reps (push ups or dumbbell push press)
Calories 10 (1 min of burpees)
E – Ring Row 15 Reps (dumbbell Bent rows)


Jumping or Air Squats to a box – 15 reps
Unbroken Single or plate hops – 15 reps
Snatch- Hang 15 reps (Dumbbell or odd object)
Toes to bar/knee raise 15 reps (Sit-Ups)
I – Pike Push ups 15 reps (push ups or dumbbell push press)
Calories 10 (1 min of burpees)
E – Ring Row 15 Reps (dumbbell Bent rows)


Jumping Air Squats – 20 reps
nbroken Double-unders or lateral Hops – 20 reps
natch- Hang 20 reps (Dumbbell or odd object)
oes to bar 20 reps (V-Ups, Sit ups or knee raises)
nverted Push-ups/Dumbbell push press 20 reps (push ups or pike push)
alories 20 (1 min of burpees)
levated Ring Row 20 Reps (dumbbell Bent rows)

Looking to make a donation or help?

Donate, sign petitions, and spread awareness. Donate your money to the local organizations currently on the front line fighting for @blacklivesmatterdc@minnesotafreedomfund. Sign the petition for justice for Breonna Taylor. Vote in upcoming local and national elections – this is the change to vote out officials who don’t support black lives and vote in the people that do.